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Sailing Story: Genevieve

n 2009, Genevieve Evans came to the conclusion that the corporate world was no longer cutting it for her. Her life felt like it was missing something. She felt the itch to do something more than climb the corporate ladder and win the rat race.

Rather than ignore the feeling, Genevieve set out to scratch that itch— jumping aboard a sailboat with someone she barely knew and sailing to the Bahamas.

For six months Genevieve lived aboard that sailboat. For six months Genevieve had the opportunity to reflect on that itch. To find her purpose. By the time her sailing trip came to an end, Genevieve was certain of one thing.

“There’s no possible way I could go through my life without sailing in my future,” she said.

Owner Go Sail
Captain Genevieve Evans

Geneveive had found her passion and her purpose in one fellow swoop. Sailing filled the void that the corporate world couldn’t.

“Sailing is empowering because of this sense of self-reliance that I feel and the confidence that I attain,” she explained. “My desire to be independent, to be a problem solver, to enjoy my natural environment all drive me to sail.”

However, Genevieve didn’t want to stop there. Now that she had found this passion, this purpose— she felt a calling to share it.

“When the opportunity presented itself, a life of a sailor, a life of epic adventure, a bit of unknown, with the ability to teach, I grabbed that purpose unicorn and sailed away without looking back,” she said.

Thus “Go Sail Flathead Lake” and “Go Sail Virgin Islands” were born. Through these businesses, Genevieve found that she didn’t just love sailing— she adored sharing her love for sailing with new students. Genevieve describes sharing her passion as sharing life’s purpose itself.

“Picture yourself standing at the helm of your boat on bluebird day with 15 knots of warm breeze, maybe it’s an afternoon joy ride or a mission to get somewhere. Is a glorious day at sea, you are at peace, you are calm, the boat is riding the waves, and you have a big smile on your face,” she said. “You have no fear because you know exactly what to do, no one is yelling at you, and you know exactly where you are going.”

You can join Captain Genevieve on a journey of finding purpose and passion through sailing at “Go Sail Flathead Lake” in the summer months or “Go Sail Virgin Islands” in the winter months. Schedule a call with Genevieve to learn more.


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